Shake Off Negative Energy With This Essential Oils Aura Cleanse

by Aiyana Fraley
essential-oil-aura-cleanse shake off negative energy

Have you ever felt fatigued, tired, and unlike yourself after spending time with someone? What I’m about to tell you may surprise you… someone else’s negative energy may be weighing down your aura. Yes, your aura aka your electromagnetic field. 

Our auras are magnets for energy. As you go about your day, you pick up energy from the people around you. Even people you have the slightest interaction with like a store clerk or the angry driver you encounter on your way to work. It could be a co-worker, family member or friend sharing something worrisome or heavy. You exchange energy with them and if you leave feeling off, ask yourself if it’s your energy or something you’ve picked up. While there are people who set out to have negative intentions on others, most of the time this kind of exchange is unintentional. We can even be the culprits of it. 

Our aura is an electromagnetic field surrounding our body. The energy emitted from this energetic field is a reflection of our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual states. A healthy person’s aura is strong and radiates bright colors and high vibration frequencies associated with happiness, peace and prosperity, whereas someone who is unhealthy emits energy at lower vibrations. Since our auras are affected by how we feel, think and act, as well as the environment we are in, it is in a constant state of fluctuation. This is why it is important to incorporate a daily aura cleanse into your routine.

If you’re thinking this sounds weird, I invite you to try it at least once. I have experienced times when my aura was so heavy I could barely get out of bed. Luckily, I was able to marshal the energy to get out of bed and do an aura cleanse, and I felt a world of difference afterwards. An aura cleanse will get you back to feeling happy, balanced and glowing from the inside.  The cleanse I’m sharing with you is part of my personal practice and is done using essential oils and meditation.

So are you ready to cleanse your aura?

Aura Cleanse with Essential Oils

Essential Oil Aura Cleanse

Essential oils used in aura cleanse include vetiver, frankincense, lavender and rosemary oils.

What you’ll need:

  • Lavender Oil
  • Rosemary Oil
  • Frankincense Oil
  • Vetiver Oil
  • Fractionated Coconut Oil
  • 10ml Roller Bottle

Find a quiet place where you can meditate inside your home or outside in nature, and have the oils on-hand and ready to use.

I start my aura cleanse with a blend of lavender and rosemary oil. Lavender is the oil of communication and because MIScommunication is often the root to discord and hostility in relationships it is great to use in cleansing our energy. This oil is excellent at warding off blocked communication, and releasing fear of rejection or feeling small. Many times it is our own fear that blocks opportunities, abundance and love from making its way to us.

The doubt we have in your own potential is quite possibly the most negative action we can take against ourselves.

This fear and doubt emits from our aura. Lavender is the oil of choice to remove these self imposed feelings of doubt and fear.

Rosemary brings expansion to the mind and supports the receiving of new information and experiences. Combined with lavender these oils keep our energetic field of communication and expansion open, clear and ready to receive.

Aura Cleanse Essential Oil Blend

  • 10 Drops Lavender
  • 10 Drops Rosemary
  • Fractionated Coconut Oil
  • 10ml Rollerball

Add the 10 drops of lavender and 10 drops of rosemary into a 10ml roller bottle and fill with fractionated coconut oil.

How to Cleanse Your Aura

Sit in easy pose, with your hands over your knees in gyan mudra (index finger and thumbs touching, palms facing up), and set your intention for your aura cleanse. Call upon your higher source for guidance, clarity and abundance. Apply the lavender and rosemary aura cleanse essential oil blend to your hands and briskly rub them together to generate heat between your hands. This awakens your nervous system and your inner healer.

Our hands have the ability to heal and by awakening this energy in ourselves we claim our own ability for self healing.

Place your hands about 4 to 5 inches from your face with your palms facing you. Close your eyes and begin to take long deep breaths from your nose, breathing in the essential oil blend. Repeat this for about one to two minutes, then take your hands and gently pass them over your head moving them toward the back of your neck, over your shoulders and arms,torso, legs and feet. Your hands should not touch your body as you are energetically clearing your aura with the oils and your intention. Once you get to your feet, extend your arms out in front of you and shake out your hands releasing anything you’ve picked up that doesn’t serve your highest good.

Apply lavender and rosemary essential oil blend to hands for step 1 of aura cleanse.

Step one of aura cleanse following meditation: Apply the lavender and rosemary essential oil blend to your hands.


Step two of aura cleanse: Rub hands together briskly stimulating your energy and awakening your inner healer.



Step 3 of aura cleanse: breathe in essential oil blend. Take long deep breaths.

Aura cleanse steps to clear your energetic field.

Aura cleanse clearing out negative energy.

aura cleanse with essential oils.

shake off negative energy with aura cleanse.

Grounding Your Energy

In the next part of our aura cleanse and meditation, we use vetiver oil because it is great for grounding  and rooting us in the present. Apply one drop of vetiver on your hands and rub them on the soles of your feet.

Imagine your feet being the roots of a tree grounding you into the earth and creating a strong foundation for you to withstand heavy storms that may come your way.

Place vetiver essential oil on the soles of your feet to ground your energy.

Place vetiver essential oil on the soles of your feet to ground your energy.

Clearing the Crown Chakra

We’re going to use frankincense oil for opening the crown chakra Frankincense is the oil of spiritual connectedness, protection, love, enlightenment, and wisdom. It is also an excellent oil for clearing spiritual darkness.

Take a drop of frankincense oil and place it on the top of your head. Then place one palm on your head and the other over your navel.

We place the frankincense oil on our crown chakra because this is the center for receiving enlightenment, inspiration and our connection to Universal Source Energy. By setting our intentions to receive we open our crown.

After you’ve applied the oil, begin to connect with your inner light and visualize your crown chakra radiating a bright golden halo and emitting healing energy throughout your body. Continue this portion of the meditation for three to five minutes.

Place your hands together in prayer and bring your thumbs to touch your breast bone. To end your meditation and aura cleanse, chant OM (pronounced AUM). 

Place frankincense essential oil on the top of your head to open your crown chakra.

Place frankincense essential oil on the top of your head to open your crown chakra.

Palms in prayer mudra, thumbs to breast bone and chant OM.

The oils I chosen to use are suggestions for your practice. This is an intuitive process and if you feel guided to use different oils, give yourself permission to do so. This aura cleanse and meditation is as powerful as the intentions you set, so make that your primary focus.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this aura cleanse in the comments below.


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Cali Blue June 3, 2018 - 12:24 pm

I love it and already have intuitively been using much of the same technique but this enhances it even more♡ thank you~ namaste♡

Aiyana Fraley June 4, 2018 - 5:03 pm

how wonderful to hear! Our intuition guides us in magical ways. I’m happy it lead us to connect.

Angela March 22, 2019 - 12:44 am

I absolutely love your advice! Your profile sounds very similar to my life. I would love to continue following your blog.


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