How to Cleanse Your Apartment of Negative Energy & Infuse Positive Vibes

by Aiyana Fraley
Tips to Cleanse Apartment and Smudge Home of Negative Energy

Have you recently moved into a new apartment or home and are feeling some heavy energy in it? Our home is a container of energy and it is always a good idea to clear out the old baggage and infuse it with the kind of energy you want to feel. I shared one of my favorites ways to do this in a recent Redfin article, Apartment Detox Expert-Approved Tips to Energize and Cleanse Your Space, I was featured in.

I explain how over time our home begins to feel heavy because it is holding lower energies from past arguments, gossip, or negative self talk. If you’re moving into a new apartment, imagine how many previous tenants’ energies are in there? It’s easy to clear it out and start your life there with positive new vibes. Smudging is one of the tips but if you cannot use smoke to smudge your apartment or home, try this recipe for a smokeless smudge using different healing waters and oils. Here’s a snippet of the piece and be sure to check out the full article below.

Whether you’re about to move into your new apartment in New York or are renting a home in
Phoenix, AZ, your space should make you feel welcomed as soon as you step through the door.
But if you’re having difficulty relaxing or experiencing an uncomfortable feeling you can’t quite
put your finger on, it’s time to show your home a little love. Instead of panicking and creating
more stress, look at these signs as a signal that you’re ready to do some serious apartment
detoxing to energize and cleanse your space. To help you get started, Redfin reached out to us
and other experts to weigh in on the topic. Check out these techniques to banish the bad vibes
and invite positive energy into your home. 

Apartment Detox Expert-Approved Tips to Energize and Cleanse Your Space

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